Entelechy Leadership Stories

I joined Mark Stinson and Kirsten Gooldy on their podcast, Entelechy Leadership Stories, to talk about The Happiness Recipe (full episode).

As always, I’ve pulled a few of my favorite nuggets to share with you here. And this episode had some big ones!

What’s a Butterfly Season?

In this episode I got to talk about one of my favorite ideas - it’s the reason there’s a butterfly on the cover of my book and it’s the foundation for the name of The Butterfly Society. Several years ago, I was talking with a friend who was sending her eldest off to college and was going through all the celebration and mourning that entails. I said to her: “This is so exciting, it’s her butterfly season. We get to see her spread her wings and fly.”

As I reflected on that conversation, I got a little bit sad. I didn’t want my butterfly season to have been when I was 17 years old and headed to college. I wanted it to be right now. And then I realized, there’s not just one butterfly season. Life is a series of seasons. Some of the seasons are the ones where we are smaller, and moving a little slower - like a caterpillar. Some are where we are very contained, very still, doing lots of healing and growing - in our cocoon. And some are our butterfly seasons, where we get to fly free in all of our colorful glory.

It is okay that not every season is a butterfly season, and it is okay to want your next butterfly season to arrive. But you can’t rush it - just like you can’t rush nature. The beauty - and happiness - comes in surrendering to the season you are in.

Happiness is for Everyday

I will never stop being passionate about the notion that happiness is for every day. Every. Single. Day. This is what I said about it during this episode:

Happiness is for today, it’s not for tomorrow. And so, it’s not about being happy when you’ve achieved the title or … whatever you think the thig is, and its not even necessarily about making a giant transformation in your life, it’s about how you incorporate more of what makes you tick into your life today, and allow that to drive your evolution forward.

And that’s really it. Everyday happiness comes from understanding yourself, your needs, your wants, and your sources of joy and incorporating those things in to each day. It really is just that simple.

Want to hear more? You can find the full episode HERE.


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