Make happy your new definition of success.
A bespoke 1:1 coaching program for high-potential, high-performers like you.
You’ve checked all the boxes.
The degree, the hard-won career, the loving family, the safe home.
But where’s the fulfillment you were promised?
On paper, you’ve pretty much got it all. Yet there’s something lacking you can’t put your finger on. (Cue all the guilt.)
On the outside, you’re a confident leader. On the inside, you’re overwhelmed by responsibilities. (And they’re taking a toll on your emotional health.)
There’s a part of you that worries you’d have to give up everything to feel more joyful and less overwhelmed.
And there’s another part of you that worries you just aren’t capable of being satisfied.
Fortunately, none of that is true.
You’re grateful for what you have.
But you want something deeper.
Find what’s missing.
You’ve been everything to everyone else, it’s time to put yourself at the top of the list.
You can have a life you enjoy, most of the time, with the life you have now. (Possibly with a few tweaks.)
You can develop the knowledge, beliefs and skills of a happier more content person. (Really.)
You can reshape your inner and outer worlds to connect more deeply with meaning and your purpose. (And you get to define what that looks like.)
“ Having Becky as a coach was one of the best decisions I’ve made.”
It’s been fully of self-reflection, and it has been beneficial to have someone to talk through my career growth, challenges and insecurities in a way that was tailored to me. Becky has been such a good resources and challenged me to think differently.
Your next goal:
Squeeze more joy out of life.
Joy. Happiness. Contentment. All the feelings north of neutral.
They are something you practice, not something you earn.
These states can feel elusive in hustle culture. When you’re taught to climb the ladder of success and are constantly striving for the next thing, reaching your goals can be a let down. The next benchmark is always moving.
But once you start actively making positive changes to your beliefs and actions, everything starts to feel different - even if not much has changed on the outside.
(Because, surprise! Drastic measures aren’t always necessary. I’ll show you what I mean.)
The Happy High-Achiever.
A personalized, high-touch happiness coaching program to help successful but unsatisfied and stressed-out high achievers like you find more meaning and create more joy in life . . . without burning out and without burning it all down.
We will spend 12 life-changing months exploring every aspect of your world, from work, to family, relationships, health, stress-management, lifestyle and more. And we’ll dive deep into all the beliefs, blocks and other barriers that make happiness feel elusive.
There are no canned solutions. And there is no room for toxic positivity.
Because the goal isn’t to be happy 100% of the time.
(That’s unrealistic and unachievable).
It’s to build the resilience and resources you need navigate real life - including the messy character-building stuff - so you can take ownership of your experience on this planet.
In the process you’ll create a new definition of “success.” And you’ll actually, finally, believe you’ve earned the right to want more.
“ Working with Becky was a revelatory process that helped me become more self-aware of my fears.”
She challenged some of my core beliefs about myself, about what it means to be successful, about money, etc. With her help, I was able to take some action steps that I don't think I would have taken on my own.
I made progress towards overcoming my fears, taking imperfect action … . I return to our conversations over and over again for inspiration, and I continue to apply the things I learned from our time together to make progress on my goals.”
- R. Salcedo, Dean of Equity & Inclusion
Together we’ll address the 3 Happiness Gaps
3: DO
The Happiness Gaps are the basic ingredients that make up your personal Happiness Recipe.
Each ingredient is essential: Spend too much time in mindset work, and you’ll end up naval gazing. Skip the mindset work, and you’ll have a tough time making new habits stick.
In this bespoke 1:1 program, your Happiness Recipe will be custom-tailored to you. But whatever plan we determine, it will encompass all three Happiness Gaps so nothing falls through the cracks.
Finding your new north star.
A surprising number of people don’t know what truly matters to them. Most of us can’t see past the vision we were sold.
That becomes harder to grapple with as seasons and priorities in your life change. (Especially if the things that mattered just a few years ago no longer have the same pull they once did.)
Filling the KNOW gap is all about creating awareness of what matters most to you, and why.
Instead of marinating in the messages you’ve received for decades, we’ll dig into the things you want that you’re not even fully conscious of. (Or the things you may be afraid to admit out loud.)
This knowledge will become your guide for everything else.
Buying into a new outlook.
It’s easy to jump straight into action mode once you’ve set new happiness goals. (I see you, high achiever.)
But you’ve got to address the BELIEF gap first – otherwise, you’ll slide right back into old, familiar patterns.
Here, we’re working with your brain, nervous system, and mindset to create the supportive structure you need to get where you’re trying to go.
We’re talking about questioning “shoulds,” releasing guilt, letting go of old stories, and getting comfortable trusting other people to come through for us.
When you start to unravel every long-held principle, you can look at it more objectively and begin to transform those thoughts into more productive, helpful beliefs.
Getting things done.
Yep, there’s plenty of action to go along with mindset.
After establishing a solid foundation in months 1-3, the rest of the year is spent filling the DO gap (while revisiting the KNOW and BELIEF gaps along the way, as needed).
This is where we’ll get super strategic about doing more of what matters and less of the rest.
You’ll learn to cut out the noise and be unequivocally, unabashedly focused on filling as much of your time as possible with what matters to you. No, we’re not ignoring your responsibilities – but we are ruthlessly culling things that aren’t actually your responsibility. And you’ll practice enforcing healthy boundaries, learning to delegate, and letting go of perfection.
Rinse. Repeat. Relief.
I know what it’s like to climb a mountain, get to the top, and think this it?
I was on the partner track at a big law firm, happily married, and a mom doing her best.
It’s a cliché to say, but I really did have it all. I just wasn’t sure if I wanted it anymore.
My ambitions and contentment suddenly felt at odds with one another, but sacrificing my lifestyle and everything I’d worked to build didn’t seem like the answer, either.
It was time to set a different kind of goal, one I would spend the next several years methodically pursuing: Discover happiness.
I didn’t run out and become a happiness coach the next day. It was more like a natural evolution – a series of gradual but impactful changes – that eventually led me to my happy place today.
Hey, I’m Becky.
Everyone is worthy and capable of living a happier life – including you.
But all those feelings north of neutral are shockingly difficult to wrangle.
There’s nothing wrong with you if you can’t yoga the existential crisis away. (You’re in good company.)
You can’t guilt yourself into feeling satisfied. (Ask me how I know.)
You don’t have to light a match to your life to discover your purpose. (Unless you want to.)
As you know by now, happiness isn’t a stagnant state. It’s an ongoing practice.
I’ll be the mirror, space creator, and possibility identifier to help you create your Happiness Recipe – one that truly feeds you.
The title happiness coach isn’t the most precise. Our work together isn’t just about attaining the feeling of happiness.
It’s about building resilience, finding your purpose, and getting more out of life.
That looks like finally feeling like you can breathe when you look at your schedule. (And even choosing to do "crazy" things, like signing up for that two-week cooking class in Italy.)
It looks like for-real connecting with the people who matter most: your family, your team and, most importantly, yourself.
It looks like deciding what “self-care” looks like for you—and actually doing it.
We don’t ignore the hard stuff. And we don’t put a positive spin on everything. Instead, we work through your challenges and build up your emotional piggy bank for when you need those tools most.
Twelve months from now, everything can look different.
“12 Months is a long time, Becky.”
Transformations don’t happen overnight. But you already know that quick fixes don’t work.
The good news is you will see massive strides within just a few weeks or months of us working together when we get focused on one or two main areas of your life.
And when you see what’s possible, you’ll be ready to tackle on the rest. After all, it’s all connected. Progress compounds.
That’s why I’ve built this program to be flexible and personalized to you while giving us plenty of space and time to revolutionize your life.
So sink in. Let’s find your Happiness Recipe.
Here’s how we’ll use all that time:
In months 1-3 we’re building the foundation with:
A 1:1 Intensive kick-off call to dive deep into your challenges, current situation, goals and dreams so we can begin to untangle your Happiness Recipe.
12 private coaching sessions to make big leaps filling your KNOW and BELIEVE gaps, so we can make quick and effective progress together.
For the remaining 9 months or so you’ll receive:
Two hours each moth of 1:1 implementation coaching.
These sessions are designed to support you as you take action filing the DO gap, while providing any needed guidance and practical advice on any new issues that arise.
Throughout the program you’ll also get:
Unlimited text and e-mail support for coaching you through setbacks, challenges, and moments of overwhelm that crop up between private sessions.
Strategically tailored “homework” designed to help you make meaningful progress each moth. This won’t be busy work, and it won’t be overwhelming - just what you need to get you where you want to go.
You can’t put a price on happiness, but. . .
here’s what your investment looks like to have me as your private coach, with nearly unlimited access and support.
(per month for 12 months)
“I was burnt out and ready for a career transition.
I wanted to rebalance my life and still prioritize my professional identity but not have it entirely consume my life (for the sake of my own sanity, my marriage, and my kids). I knew more about what wasn’t working but didn't necessarily know what could make a difference. Becky gave me perspective and confidence to forge ahead (as well as tactical advice) with humanity and credibility.
Becky has a no-nonsense style that is down-to-earth but also enormously compassionate and humane.
There is no judgment – she offers grace and space, but also accountability. It was digestible when I was overwhelmed.
And I have a new job! Working with Becky helped me recognize that staying in the same industry, but at a different firm, was just the requisite amount of change and continuity for me, at this moment in time. She has since been an invaluable resource and confidante for me as I navigate this change.”
– P. Varho, Consultant, Spencer Stuart
The pursuit of happiness is a worthy goal.
You’ve already built an impressive life.
Now let’s build something that makes it a joy to live … every day.