The Billionaire Lifestyle - It’s Not What You Think…

I recently got to have a conversation with Emmitt Muckles on his podcast “The Billionaire Lifestyle.” If you are thinking, like I did when I first saw the name, that this podcast is about making piles of money, think again. Emmitt says we’re all already billionaires because we are made up of billions of cells. His podcast is all about the ways we can point those billions of cells in a way that allows you to live an abundant life (which is so much more than money).

 We had a great conversation, but here are a couple of my favorite nuggets.

 1.     You can have it all, but you have to be clear on the “all” that you want.

 Emmitt kicks off this episode suggesting that life is easier, more fun, and happier if you can stay in your lane. But how can you possibly do that if you don’t know what your lane really is? I truly believe that you can have it all, when you are clear on what that all is. Let me say it another way, you can’t have it all in the sense you can’t have everything. But if you really stop and think about it, you don’t actually want everything. You only want what you want. Your real job is to figure out what really matters to you, to define your all, so that you can do and have as much of that as possible. And then you can let go of the rest.

 2.     Feelings are tools – stop judging them.

 One of the most common questions I get asked about happiness is how can it co-exist with negative emotions? And here’s my answer. Humans are complicated emotional beings. We are capable of experiencing multiple things at the same time. Additionally, there’s no such thing as bad or good feelings, there are just feelings.  I believe this is true because all feelings – the fun ones and the challenging ones - have a purpose. Every single feeling can bring us wisdom if we just take the time to listen. This is an invitation to stop judging your feelings and start honoring them.

 3.     Define your success don’t rely on society’s definition.

 One of the best things I said in this episode was: “Let your voice be the loudest.” Sometimes I say things that I need to hear, and this was one of them. When it comes to defining success, let your voice – your definition – be louder than all the voices that come at you from the outside. We’re bombarded, practically from birth, by messages from society that try to tell us what success looks like. We don’t have to buy into those messages. We get to decide what success means to us. Know that stepping outside the societal definition may feel uncomfortable at first, but please don’t assume that means it’s wrong. Discomfort isn’t bad. In fact, it’s a sign that you are changing and growing – which in the long run is almost always positive.


As usual, this just scratches the surface of our conversation. If you want to hear more you can listen to the full episode HERE.  


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